Elite Health Center Testosterone

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Testosterone Injections Miami

Testosterone Injections Miami

How do you define your age? Do you go by number or by how you actually feel? The professionals at Elite Health Center believe there are no limits to what anyone can accomplish regardless of their age. The natural loss of testosterone is inevitable. This can cause men to experience lower sex drive, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat and a lack of motivation. All of these things can be prevented. Elite Health Center in Miami is South Florida’s premiere age management facility. Hormone replacement therapy has helped countless people redefine their age and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

One of the methods to help increase testosterone levels back to healthy levels is through the use of testosterone injections. Depending on the on results of your physical evaluation, the team of medical professionals at Elite Health Center can administer testosterone injections to help boost your levels back to normal. This enables patients regain the vigor and energy they haven’t experienced in many years. Normal testosterone levels are typically between 300 to 1,000 ng/dL. The benefits of properly administered testosterone injections are limitless. They include:

  • Improved vitality
  • Increase sex drive
  • Increased energy
  • Increased sperm count
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Decreased body fat

Testosterone injections aren’t for everyone. Our team of medical professionals will conduct a thorough physical evaluation to determine whether testosterone injections are best for you. Elite Health Center is an age management facility dedicated to providing patients with the safest and most comprehensive hormone replacement therapy care in South Florida. Suffering from Low T should never have to slow you down. Call our clinic today at (786) 629-3600 and find out how hormone replacement therapy can help you regain and maintain a healthy life.

Starting at $179/mo. Setup a Free Consult Now!

Testosterone Booster Miami

Testosterone Booster Miami

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels plays a vital role in men’s health. By the age of 30, the average man will begin losing small levels of testosterone each year. Men who experience low testosterone levels may also suffer from a disease called hypogonadism. This ultimately affects our muscle mass, bone density and sex drive. But with help from the age management physicians at Elite Health Center, patients no longer have to settle for being average. Through the use of testosterone boosters, you can begin to see immediate results and begin to look and feel younger and more energetic.

The medical team at Elite Health Center will conduct a thorough evaluation to measure your testosterone levels. If you have low testosterone, we can construct a customized plan to fit your needs. Depending on your results, Elite Health Center can provide hormone replacement therapy by utilizing a comprehensive nutritional and fitness program along with testosterone injections. If you’re suffering from low testosterone, you may be experiencing the following symptoms.

Lack of energy Declining strength Difficulty gaining muscle mass Low sex drive Low metabolism Depression

For years, men have been told these symptoms are a part of the aging process. But that simply doesn’t have to be the case. Getting older doesn’t mean you have look or feel older. By making the commitment to hormone replacement therapy and age management, you’re letting everyone know you’re not going to settle for mediocrity. Take the first step on the path to a whole new way of living and regain the energy and drive you once had. Call Elite Health Center today.

Starting at $179/mo. Setup a Free Consult Now!



Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone found in men which is primarily responsible for growth and development of male reproductive organs. It plays a large role during someone’s growth from boyhood to adulthood. Men with normal testosterone levels have all the energy and sexual drive you would expect.

However, as men age, their testosterone levels begin to decrease and that can cause problems. Known as Low T, men with insufficient testosterone levels are encouraged to seek help from the experts at Elite Health Center. Testosterone treatments can help boost testosterone so men feel like they did early in their life. Elite Health Center offers testosterone shots which can help someone feel better in no time at all.

Starting at $179/mo. Setup a Free Consult Now!

Sermorelin Miami

Sermorelin Miami

While the pituitary gland in the brain is the source of naturally occurring HGH, it’s another gland nearby that produces an equally important hormone. The hypothalamus is a tiny part of the brain which works with the pituitary gland to link with the nervous system. In order for the pituitary gland to start producing HGH, the hypothalamus must release its own hormones which trigger the reaction. Using bio-dentical technology, the experts at Elite Health Center can simulate the hormones released by the hypothalamus and trigger the pituitary gland to produce more HGH. The artificial hormone is called sermorelin and it’s known as a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). Sermorelin has 29 of the real amino acids naturally found in the body so it’s effective in signaling the pituitary gland to start producing HGH.

When you come to Elite Health Center for sermorelin therapy in Miami, you can take advantage of the skilled experts who can help guide you through the process. Sermorelin treatments are incredibly safe and effective and the professionals at Elite Health Center are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about hormone replacement or what to expect once sermorelin treatment begins. By scheduling a consultation with one of the experts at Elite Health Center, you can learn more about sermorelin therapy and all of the other treatment options available.

Out of all the hormone replacement therapies at Elite Health Center, sermorelin is one of the most popular for boosting energy, increasing muscle mass and reducing fat. When people get older, their level of HGH will decrease, but a sermorelin injection can change that. The professionals at Elite Health Center use a sermorelin injection to stimulate the pituitary gland into producing more HGH. With a low cost and quick procedure, sermorelin therapy is a popular choice and it can really help someone regain all the energy and passion they had earlier in life.

Call Elite Health Center today and get started!